Mission Neuanfang: SK Gaming präsentiert zwei Koreaner für das neue Lineup

09.12.2015 20:17

imageVor gut einem Monat berichteten wir, dass SK Gaming auf der Suche nach talentierten Spielern ist, um den Neuanfang in League of Legends vollziehen zu können. Wie die Organisation nun auf ihrer Homepage bekannt geben hat, ist man auf zwei Positionen fündig geworden. Auf der Midlane wird ab sofort Sun-ho ‚SuNo‘ Ahn agieren, der bereits für SKT T1 sowie Samsung Blue die Maus geschwungen hat. Im Jungle vertraut man auf den Neuling Kyeong-tak ‚Dokgo‘ Kim der bereits in mehreren Amateur-Teams zu überzeugen wusste.

Aktuelles Lineup SK Gaming:
Flagge Midlane – Sun-ho ‘SuNo’ Ahn
Flagge Jungle – Kyeong-tak ‘Dokgo’ Kim

Statement Sun-ho ‘SuNo’ Ahn:

In the past two years I’ve had so many experiences. I played in Korea (SKT T1, Samsung Blue), America (Quantic Gaming), Brazil (kStars) and China (ST). Actually I think no other player has played in so many different regions in such a short amount of time. 
After the time I spent in Brazil I actually wanted to take some time off. I didn’t know what the future holds and I was worried about it. Then suddenly SK Gaming contacted me and I thought of it being a really great opportunity. I am ready to start a new challenge in Europe together with SK. I want to help out with the experience I have gathered so far, and I hope to gain much more as well.
I definitely want us to become a top team in the European LCS, but my biggest wish is to win the World Championship! I will try my best to bring SK Gaming back to the top!

Statement Kyeong-tak ‘Dokgo’ Kim:

I got plenty of team offers recently, but when SK Gaming wanted to hire me, I joined without any hesitation. I think it is a very rare opportunity to join an European team, so I immediately grabbed the chance. 
I look forward to improving my English so I can communicate without any problems. Furthermore, I wish to climb up to Rank 1 on EU Servers in both SoloQ and together with my new teammates. 
The most important goal I have is obviously entering the EU LCS. After that, of course, I want to also go to the World Championship together with SK Gaming!

Jonas Bugaj