Diamondprox und Edward dürfen nicht mehr in der EU LCS antreten

26.01.2016 16:51

imageSchlechte Nachrichten für die Unicorns of Love und Team ROCCAT wie heute bekannt wurde dürfen sowohl der Jungler Danil ‚Diamondprox‘ Reshetnikov als auch der Supporter Edward ‚Edward‘ Abgarian auf unbestimmte Zeit nicht mehr in der europäischen LCS antreten. Grund hierfür ist die Tatsache, dass beiden Spielern aktuell kein Arbeitsvisum ausgestellt wird. Wann und ob beide Akteure in naher Zukunft in die EU LCS zurückkehren, steht zum aktuellen Zeitpunkt noch nicht fest.

Statement Danil ‚Diamondprox‘ Reshetnikov:

From now on I’m not allowed to play LCS in regions I’m not work eligible in. German government doesn’t recognize playing LCS as some kind of job they’d give working visa for, so until it changes I can’t be a part of EU LCS. 
I feel really sad and crushed atm. For the past three years EU LCS became kind of a third home for me – it’s a place where not only I fight for success, but also a place where I meet a lot of beautiful ppl every time I come. I really hope to get the visa in the end and to come back to this place, but if not – I’ll miss it a lot. 
As for the UOL – I feel really sorry for not being able to play with them in the near future. It was a big joy for me to work in the team-atmosphere we had. I hope they’ll find a good replacement and will still destroy everyone.
Can’t really get my thoughts together well right now, so no in-depth information. In the few following days I’ll think a lot about what I want to do while I’m not allowed to participate in EU LCS. I’ll keep you updated and will most likely answer all your questions on my stream after I come back home.
Such a sad fucking day.

Statement Unicorns of Love:

Today we have really sad news to share with you guys.
Our Russian friend Danil „Diamondprox“ Reshetnikov will not be part of the team this week, and probably for the next incoming weeks, due to visa issues.
Despite working closely with Riot, a visa specialized agency, German authorities and the German Ambassy, we have not been able to get a long time permit.
The status of pro-gamer is hard to identify for governements, between „artist“, „performer“, „sportsman“, „technician“… and the German law has currently no answer for a Russian esport player.
We are currently working with high profile people to make eSport an accepted job in Germany so cases like this will not occur again and the rules will change for better.
Looking forward, we wish Danil best on the way as we will miss out on not only a great player but also a close fan.
As for us, we will be actively looking for a good replacement in near future.
We will stay active and keep you updated.
Love and authorities,
Sheepy & Khagneur

Statement Team ROCCAT:

Today we have to announce a change to our LCS roster due to visa issues with Armenian player Edward „Edward“ Abgaryan. For the upcoming matches he will be replaced by our substitute player Vytautas „Extinkt “ M?linauskas from Lithuania. Unfortunately, the status of eSports athletes in Germany is not clear. The German government doesn’t currently recognize eSports athletes, so they are unable to obtain traditional sporting visas. This means organizations have to find individual solutions for non-EU residents regarding their work permit. We’ve been in close contact with Riot as well as the German authorities over the last couple of weeks but the status right now is that we can’t satisfy work eligibility requirements for EU LCS. That’s why we had to make this very regrettable decision.
The team is working hard behind the scenes on finding a solution to bringing Edward back into the fold. On stage, the next match day is on and the players have to focus on their upcoming opponents. „Extinkt” is already with the team in Berlin and will train for as many sessions as possible.
For the time being we will play with Extinkt and we trust in him as a substitute for the support role. However, we are trying to bring Edward back into the team. We will share an update as soon as possible. 
We want to say thank you to Edward for the time and effort he’s put into the team and organisation. We hope to see him back on the summoner’s rift soon, wearing a ROCCAT jersey of course!

Jonas Bugaj