Don’t Kick My Robot wird zu Team IHEARTHU

04.11.2014 18:36

imageDie Community-Website gab vor kurzem bekannt, dass das frühere Team Don’t Kick My Robot ab sofort unter dem Namen Team IHERATHU spielen wird. Poach, der Gründer von DKMR, wird jedoch weiterhin als Manager für Team IHEARTHU agieren. Das Lineup von DKMR bleibt gleich. Außer dem Namen hat sich also nichts wirklich verändert. Fürs Erste.

Statement von Poach, Gründer von DKMR:

was one of the first major organizations to bring together the
community with articles, shows and a weekly tournament in tghe
Hearthstone Beta and we are proud to be joining them as they too enter
the next chapter of hearthstone and join the pro gaming industry. Thank you all for your support, it has
meant a lot to me and the team. I will be taking the position of
General Manager of eSports with ihearthu and will continue to manage
DKMR under our new name and any farm teams.

Statement von Sympatico, Gründer:

Bringing on Team DKMR is not only a logical next step in the growth of
this site and brand, it was also a decision that derived from the same
place of passion that the site initially launched with. A passion for
not only Hearthstone, but eSports as a whole. After years of working in
eSports and being a huge fan myself, cheering on other teams…I look
forward to cheering on my own players for the first time.

Lineup von Team IHEARTHU:
Flagge DTwo
Flagge Varranis
Flagge Powder
Flagge Faramir
Flagge JRoc
