mousesports ersetzt chrisJ und holt oskar zurück

29.01.2017 18:39

imageDie deutsche Organisation mousesports zieht nach dem Ausscheiden in der Gruppenphase des ELEAGUE Majors personelle Konsequenzen. Chris ‚chrisJ‘ de Jong wird mit sofortiger Wirkung durch Tomáš ‚oskar‘ Štastny ersetzt. Das teilte mouz am Sonntag mit. Stastny wurde nach nur einem Monat im Trikot der Mäuse im Oktober aus die Bank gesetzt. Zuletzt sah man den Tschechen im EPL-Relegationslineup von PENTA Sports.

Statement Cengiz Tüylü, mousesports CEO:

[…] With how fast paced the tournament circuit is, we decided it is necessary to change things on and off the field. Besides the change in the lineup, we will further professionalise the conditions and the ‚team around the team‘. With that being said, it is time for everyone on our lineup to step up and maybe review their work attitude going forward.

For a while, Tomas has proven that he is willing to work for a second chance. We all know that he is a great player if he has his focus right and we believe he is ready to start all over again“, says Tüylü.

Statement Chris ‚chrisJ‘ de Jong:

The decision came as quite a shock to me. I can understand it, tho. The core of the lineup has tried many different things for a long time and it just never seemed to work as much as we all wanted. I would like to wish the guys the best of luck for the upcoming Katowice qualifier and Dreamhack Las Vegas. Personally, I hope to prove myself again in the future. I am still very motivated to play and will certainly not give up on the game. Huge thanks to all our fans that supported us through all highs and lows.

Lineup mousesports

Flagge Nikola ‚NiKo‘ Kovac
Flagge Timo ‚Spiidi‘ Richter
Flagge Denis ‚denis‘ Howell
Flagge Christian ‚loWel‘ Garcia Antoran
Flagge Tomáš ‚oskar‘ Štastny 
Flagge Chris ‚chrisJ‘ de Jong (Ersatzspieler)
