ESEA schließt arKimonday für 100 Jahre vom Spielbetrieb aus

05.01.2017 21:46

imageDa das chinesische Team VG.CyberZen aufgrund von Visa-Probleme nicht bei der Global Challenge LAN antreten konnte, entschied man sich seitens der ESEA für die Jungs von Muffin Lightning als Ersatz. Jedoch entschied sich Jack ‚arKimonday‘ Kastner eine Woche vor Abreise der Veranstaltung fernzubleiben, was für ihn nun große Auswirkungen haben wird. Kurzerhand entschloss man sich seitens der ESEA das Fernbleiben mit einer einhundertjährigen Sperre zu belegen.

Um doch noch am Event teilnehmen zu können, erhielt das Team die Erlaubnis einen Stand-In für das Turnier hinzuzuziehen. Als Ersatz für arKimonday wird nun die CS:GO-Spielerin Diane ‚di^‘ Tran von Counter Logic Gaming fungieren. 

Statement Samuel ‚SileNt3m‘ Portillo

First off, this is just a regular event for us; so thankfully ESEA allowed us to get a stand-in since four of us were already here at the hotel. I’m sure if it was a chance (at qualifiying for) the pro league we were f*cked.
Second, obviously we couldn’t get any kind of pros or current premier players who played last season. So we had a few options to pick from and we decided to go with Diane.
Finally to explain a bit of him dodging, arKimonday clearly wanted to attend the LAN when we first got invited since he signed all the stuff ESEA gave us to book his flight. A week before the LAN he started acting a bit sketchy saying he didn’t want to go to the LAN and he might dodge. This worried us a bit but we didn’t think he would actually dodge since he did similar things before our LAN at the Minor.
At the end of the day arKimonday is a loser for dodging but it’s best for the team. He was a huge problem for a long time but we wanted to give him another shot. Besides let’s be honest we won’t be losing much firepower with him gone; if anything we’ll have more.

Global Challenge LAN-Lineup Muffin Lightning
Flagge Samuel ‚SileNt3m‘ Portillo
Flagge Joshua ’sancz‘ Ballenger
Flagge Adam ‚aKis‘ Kisseberth
Flagge Ryan ‚ichibaNNN‘ Colucci
Flagge Diane ‚di^‘ Tran

Jonas Bugaj